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Voice Recognition
Better today than yesterday, McGuffey will T.E.A.C.H.
Together, Excellence, Achievement, Community, Hope


McGuffey School District Athletic Department

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Mr. Ed Dalton - Athletic Director
[email protected]
86 McGuffey Drive, Claysville, PA 15323
Phone (724) 948-3328 ext. 3031
Fax (724) 948-3344

Head Coaches
Fall Sports  

Boys Soccer - Brian Gillespie  
Cross Country - Jackson Knoll  
Girls Soccer - Vince Schmidt  
Football - Nate Parry
Girls Tennis - Caitlyn Group  
Golf - Marc Scott
Volleyball - Joann Harshman

Cheerleading - Jessica Gump

Winter Sports 

Girls Basketball - Holliann Meighen 
Rifle - Sarah Florian
Boys Basketball - Mike Fatigante
Wrestling - Jared Roberts

Spring Sports
Track - Justin Crothers
Baseball - TBD

Softball - Karlie Pettit
Boys Tennis - Caitlyn Group


Attention Booster Organizations
Please review School Board Policy #915

New Coach Coursework Links

All McGuffey coaches are required to complete the following courses on the NFHS site:
  • Concussion in Sports
  • ConcussionWise
  • CardiacWise
  • Fundamentals of Coaching ($50)
  • First Aid, Health and Safety for Coaches ($45) 

PIAA Physical Information

The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) has initiated a new sports physical procedure. No student may participate in in-season practices, scrimmages and/or contests unless they have completed a Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE). This evaluation will apply to the present sport and any subsequent sport during that school year. Section 5 PIAA re-certification by Parent/Guardian must be filled out for any subsequent sport during the school year. Detailed instructions are included on the various sections of the CIPPE form.

The CIPPE shall be performed no earlier than June 1st and shall be effective, regardless of when performed during a school year, until the next May 31st. The CIPPE is the only form that will be accepted by the McGuffey School District. It must be completely filled out and signed by the Parent/Guardian before the physical evaluation is performed.

All forms are available in the high school and middle school offices and on the district’s website,

In the future when physicals are being performed the schedule will be posted on the district's website, and in the Observer-Reporter.  The physical evaluation may also be performed by your physician provided you complete the CIPPE form.
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