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Better today than yesterday, McGuffey will T.E.A.C.H.
Together, Excellence, Achievement, Community, Hope

Attendance and Truancy Assistance

Home School Visitor and Truancy Officer

The role of the home school visitor and truancy officer is to bridge families, community resources, and the school district.  The home school visitor engages in the following to serve our school community.
  • Consults and collaborates with school personnel to identify students who are encountering significant barriers to learning and work to link students/families to school and community-based resources.
  • Serves as a liaison between students, parents, teachers, counselors, and community agencies.  
  • Provides families with information and assistance to access appropriate community-based resources (MH/ID, Medical Assistance, financial assistance, etc.)
  • Visits families' homes, including delivering materials and/or paperwork when transportation is a barrier.
  • Creates positive working relationships with community-based agencies for the purpose of efficiently utilizing these services for students and their families.
  • Collaborates with school personnel to design a district-wide plan for early intervention for at-risk students.
  • Collaborates with school personnel to design a district-wide truancy prevention/intervention program.
  • Monitors students' attendance and implements the district's attendance procedures.  

Attendance Policy

One of the most important things your child can do to achieve academic success is also one of the most basic- attending school every single day.  In fact, research has shown that your child's attendance record is one of the biggest factors influencing their academic success.  Please help your child attend school each day unless they absolutely have to miss it.  Below are key points from the student handbook regarding the attendance policy.  

Unexcused Absences
  • Excuses must be turned in within three (3) days of the absence or the absence will be considered an illegal absence.
  • After the accumulation of three (3) unexcused absences, a referral may be made to Children and Youth Services (CYF) and/or the District Magistrate.
  • Each day of an unexcused absence may result in classroom failure for that day.  Teachers do not have to permit students to make up work if the absence is unexcused.
Excessive Absences
  • A maximum of ten (10) absences excused by a parent/guardian will be permitted during a school year.
  • All absences beyond ten (10) days will require a medical or legal excuse.  If a medical or legal excuse is not presented, the absence will be unexcused.
Early Dismissals
  • Students must bring in a note signed by a parent in order to be dismissed early.
  • All early dismissals will be marked as unexcused until the student brings a medical or legal excuse.
  • Students must be in homeroom or their first-period class on time, or they will be considered tardy.
  • Students are not permitted to have more than four (4) unexcused tardies per grading period.
  • All tardies will be marked as unexcused until the student brings a medical or legal excuse.
Family Education Trip
  • All families should be aware of the published school calendar and make arrangements for their vacations in accordance with time provided by that calendar.  When unusual circumstances force a family to plan a vacation during the school year, those days will be counted as n unexcused absence only if the following criteria are met.
    1. A Family Education Trip Form obtained from the office should be completed and returned to the Superintendent one week prior to the trip.  Neglecting to gain prior approval for the educational trip will result in the recording of unexcused daily absences for those days.
    2. Approval will be based upon
      1. All costs and liability be will be assumed by the parents.
      2. The supervision of the student being the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
      3. Continuity of an appropriate education of the child being assured.
    3. The student will forward the Familiy Educational Trip Form to the appropriate building principal who will develop, along with the student's teachers, the necessary assignments.
    4. Upon return from the approved Family Educational Trip it is the responsibility of the student to turn in or make up all required educational assignments.
    5. Failure of the student to make up work missed will result in the teacher recording no academic credit for the work assigned.
    6. A student will be permitted to take one educational trip per school year, not to exceed ten school days with their parent/guardian.
Homebound Instruction
  • Homebound instruction is available to any student who is expected to be absent for a period of ten or more days due to medical incapacitation.
  • The parent may request such instruction by contacting the Home School Visitor.  The parent/guardian and a physician or psychiatrist must properly complete the request forms.
  • This request must be approved by the McGuffey Board of Education.  
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