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Remote Learning Day January 21, 2025
McGuffey School District will be operating on a remote learning day on January 21, 2025.  Please follow this link to log your attendance for the day:
Voice Recognition
Better today than yesterday, McGuffey will T.E.A.C.H.
Together, Excellence, Achievement, Community, Hope

Health Office

McGuffey HS/MS Health Office

Health Office Staff
Ms. Gina Williamson
Certified School Nurse

Phone: Middle School  (724) 948-3323 / High School (724) 948-3328
Fax: Middle School (724) 948-2413 / High School (724) 948-3344

Welcome to the school health office page. My name is Ms. Gina Williamson and I am the certified school nurse for students in McGuffey's Middle and High School. My job is to provide health services to your child while in school. There are mandated health services that I provide according to Pennsylvania Code. I also see students for illness, injury or other health related issues that may occur in school. I am available to answer health concerns or questions you or your child may have. 
 The best way to reach me is to send an email through the SNAP Health Portal (Secure Online Student Health Communication), McGuffey email [email protected] or call the school office.  
Instructions on using the SNAP Health Portal:  SNAP Health Portal Log In Instructions

Health Office Forms

Pennsylvania requires specific vaccinations for students to attend school. These requirements intend to ensure that students are protected against vaccine preventable disease. Please refer to the flyer link in blue.
For students requiring a doctor prescribed or over the counter medication during school hours an "Authorization for Medication during School Hours" form musts be completed by the students doctor and parent. Then turned in to the nurse.
This medication form is for students that are directed by a doctor to carry an asthma inhaler or EpiPen during school hours for their health and safety.
Pennsylvania requires students in grades 6 and then 11 to have a physical examination on file in their school health record. The physicals examination is to be completed by a private physician or by the school physician per parent choice.
Pennsylvania requires students in grade 7 to have a dental examination on file in their student health record. The dental examination can be completed by the students dentist or by the school dentist per parent choice.
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