During the first grade year, students will build upon their mathematical foundation to expand the skills and concepts mastered during their kindergarten experience.
In numbers and operations, first grade students will be extending their understanding of the count sequence in order to read and write numerals to represent objects (CC.2.1.1.B.1). They will also be developing their ability to use place value in order to represent the tens and ones places, understand the amount of tens and ones, and compare two digit numbers (CC.2.1.1.B.2).Once a firm foundation of place value is established, students will use this understanding to add and subtract within 100 (CC.2.1.1.B.3).
In algebraic concepts, first grade students will be working on increasing their understanding and application of the properties of the relationship between addition and subtraction (CC.2.2.1.A.2), representing and solving problems that involve addition and subtraction within 20 (CC.2.2.1.A.1).
In geometry, students will be building upon their knowledge of two and three dimensional shapes, composing and distinguishing between these shapes based on their attributes (C.C.2.3.1.A.1). They will also be taking the first steps towards the understanding of fractions by partitioning shapes into halves and quarters (CC.2.3.1.A.2).
In data analysis and probability, students will be working on measuring lengths both indirectly and through repeated length units as well as the order of lengths (CC.2.4.1.A.1). Additionally, students will work on telling and writing time to the nearest half hour, using both analog and digital clocks (CC.2.4.1.A.2). Students will also begin to represent and interpret data using charts (CC.2.4.1.A.4).
The curriculum scope and sequence below offers a full list of the mathematical classifications and skills that students will be learning over the course of the school year and shows the curriculum alignment to each unit in the Reveal Mathematics core resource series.