During the kindergarten year, students will begin their journey towards becoming master mathematicians.
In numbers and operations, students will be building their math foundation while learning about the number names and sequences of numbers (
CC.2.1.K.A.1), and will work to apply these understandings to be able to count the number of objects (CC.2.1.K.A.2). They will also compare the quantities of items (CC.2.1.K.A.3) and work on their understanding of place value (CC.2.1.K.B.1).
In algebraic concepts, students will be taking their first steps towards a deep mastery of addition and subtraction, with a focus on adding and subtracting numbers within 10 (CC.2.2.K.A.1).
In geometry, students will work on the identification and description of two and three dimensional shapes (CC.2.3.K.A.1) as well as the analysis, comparison, and creation of these shapes (CC.2.3.K.A.2).
In data analysis and probability, students will use everyday objects to focus on describing and comparing their length, area, weight, and capacity (CC.2.4.K.A.1). Additionally, they will work on classifying objects into categories and then counting the number of objects that fit into each category (CC.2.4.K.A.2).
The curriculum scope and sequence below offers a full list of the mathematical classifications and skills that students will be learning over the course of the school year and shows the curriculum alignment to each unit in the Reveal Mathematics core resource series.