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Future Ready Comprehensive Plan

Future Ready Comprehensive Plan Overview

All school districts in Pennsylvania must complete a Future Ready Comprehensive Plan (FRCP) that outlines the district vision, mission, and educational values. Additionally, the plan must include priority challenges facing the district, along with goals and action steps to address these priority challenges. The district Future Ready Plan also includes the professional development activities for addressing the priority challenges of the district. Lastly, all districts must implement a process for communicating the elements of their Future Ready Plan. 

The Future Ready Comprehensive Plan for McGuffey School District for 2022-2025 was board approved at the June 16, 2022 school board meeting and will be in effect for the 2022-23, 2023-24, and 2024-25 school years. At the end of this three year cycle, the McGuffey School District leadership team will evaluate the progress made towards goals and objectives and update the district plan for the future. 

There are also a number of supporting reports and separate but related plans and documents that are not part of the Future Ready Plan itself but that play a critical role in the implementation and success of the future ready plan. 

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